I started feeling kicks at about week 20/21 and was so overjoyed. So sweet, so soft just wee little flutters and jolts. However now, the kicks have turned into squirms and summer-saults that really feel like something that should be out of a horror film. Anyone else get this? I assume its because she is making herself cozy in there, re-positioning so that she can get the most comfy real estate I have to offer in there.
The first time I felt this was about a week ago and I was making my plate for dinner. My husband had just sat down himself at the table and Sofia started to dance in which almost felt like some sorta Jello-Like Pool inside my tummy. It was all done in slow motion {you know just to creep me out over a longer stretch of time}, I looked at my husband with what was almost like a silent terror look and I froze.
Me: "Sam, this is beyond creepy, she is moving and I just don't like it - Oh Gawd, she is doing a re-position or something, its weird - it feels not good - this is not fun!"
and to what was my husbands response:
Sammy: "DAMN-IT....I WISH I WAS PREGNANT - I WANNA FEEL THIS CREEPY-NESS" as he stomps his fist on the couch with a grin larger than life!
I have to say, I'm getting used to the dancing, I wouldn't say I love it just yet - as it still seems to take me back a little every time she re-locates. But I'm getting close to not stopping in my tracts when it happens. Any other first-time Mama's out there feel this way when your wee one decided to change their comfy quarter to someplace new?
what a great pic! thanks for stopping by Diaper Style Memoirs! hope to see you back soon. following you back!
Following back. Thank you for stopping by and following. Cute blog! :)
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