Monday, April 4, 2011

Pregnancy Journal ... where art thou?!?

It took me about 4 months too long to choose a Pregnancy Journal. The simple fact is that I am 4 and a half months now and waiting on my book that I finally just ordered last week. Can you say procrastination baby peanut - lets hope I don't pass this fabulous trait down to the little one?

The Belly Book: a nine-month journal for you and your growing belly
$16.99 on sale for $11.55 on

I have been humming and hawing over the idea of tracking my Pregnancy, the only reason I have had second thoughts is really quite simple. I complain a lot {to my husband that is}! Do I want to track how miserable I am, if I look back on it a few years down the road, when my husband wants to try for number 2, will I have second thoughts? After some serious pondering and lovely website reviews on Pregnancy Journals, I came to the conclusion, YES I wanted to track my Pregnancy and NO I will not use it as a place to vent. 

The first 16 weeks in my Pregnancy were far from fun, and this is why I have hesitated on writing anything down to recall and relive at a later date. However now I'm well into my 2nd Trimester and feeling more myself. I wouldn't go as far to say that I'm enjoying the process as much as I am coping. Horrible right? Here is why I think I am merely getting through it and not basking in my baby belly. 

1) I have yet to feeling any kicking
2) I am getting stretch marks on my Belly
3) I am still waiting another 22 days until I find out PINK or BLUE
4) exercise is non-existent seeings as its choosing to rain most everyday {and by rain I mean stormy rainstorm mixed with snow}
5) I feel like my world is changing socially and I can't do anything about it {girlfriends and I don't seem to be interested in the same things anymore - Them-Martini's and Me-Baby Bottles}

I have a hard time believing let alone picturing having a baby in our house in t-minus 22 weeks - I was one of those kids who wasn't overly excited for Disneyland until I stepped on the plane. I think the first feeling of baby kicking and knowing if he is a she or she is a he will make all the difference in the rest of my journey. 

Did anyone else feel the same? Am I the only weirdo here who has been dreaming about being a mother their entire lives including their Grade 3 Occupation as being a "mom" and now that its here you feel no different? GAWD!?! What is wrong with me... tell me at 20 weeks you gain some sorta motherly hormones and start to pick up after your husband while grounding him to his room - gimmi something to look forward to ladies!

PS: I don't want anyone mistaking the fact that at night I dream about our lives in the future and how happy we are with little baby pink...yes thats right, my heart says its a girl! 

- Tairalyn

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